Claire KohlerADHD & Autistic Writer Tip: Make Time for BreaksIn today's day and age, it's so easy for writers (and everyone else!) to believe the lie that we can't stop to take a breath, especially...
Claire KohlerADHD Mindset Tip: Embrace Your BraverySo often we hear about the negative aspects of ADHD: hyperactivity, impulsivity, inattention, etc. But one thing that often gets...
Claire KohlerADHD & Autism Tip: Prioritize Self-careWhile this tip applies to all writers, it is one that's especially easy for ADHD & autistic writers to neglect because of one of our...
Claire KohlerADHD Tip: Write It Down!One of the annoying components of ADHD is forgetfulness, so use this tip to help counteract that! When you think of something important...